H. 4112

GrassRoots Position: GrassRoots strongly opposes H. 4112.
Current Status: In House Judiciary Committee.
Primary Sponsor: Kelly
Full Text: http://www.scstatehouse.gov/sess118_2009-2010/bills/4112.htm

H. 4112 would add members of the General Assembly, public defenders, assistant public defenders, clerks of court and deputy clerks of court who possess a concealed weapon permit (CWP) to those who can carry anywhere in the state while carrying out the duties of their office. Existing law already allows virtually all judges to do so. The existing list of those allowed to carry anywhere in the state is limited to those government employees working in the courts. Most of those to be added to the list are also government employees working in the courts. It is interesting to note that the end result of what H. 4112 will do is make it so that judges, solicitors, and public defenders - all government employees - can all carry in court, but private defense attorneys will still be barred from doing so.

But, the most troubling aspect of H. 4112 is how it will make politicians super citizens with privileges greater than the rest of us mere mortals. H. 4112 is an example of how those in public office lose sight of the fact they are public servants, not our masters.

Can you imagine any situation where a politician could not argue that he is carrying out the duties of his office? The very essence of a politician is to meet and greet people whenever and wherever he is. Politicians are forced to discuss issues with constituents at church, in restaurants that serve alcoholic beverages, in schools, in courtrooms, in day care facilities, in publicly owned buildings, etc. etc.. Thus, H. 4112 would allow a politician to carry anywhere and everywhere while denying the rest of the law abiding citizens of SC the same privilege.

The ruling pigs of George Orwell's political satire Animal Farm changed the law from “All animals are equal.” to “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” This change was made to allow the pigs to have special privileges that were denied to the rest of the animals even as the pigs claimed to represent equality. H. 4112 would make the pigs proud.

H. 4112 creates inequality amongst CWP holders. H. 4112 denies most CWP holders the ability to protect their lives as effectively as the politicians want to be able to protect their own lives. If politicians can see the current restrictions on where a CWP holder can carry are unreasonable for them, then these politicians should be able to see the same restrictions are unreasonable for all of us. The proper solution is to change the law for all CWP holders, not just the politicians.

What makes a politician's life more worth protecting than your life? What makes a politician's family more important than your family? Politicians need to learn they must obey the same laws the rest of us are forced to obey. Only then will the politicians start enacting better laws for all.

GrassRoots GunRights strongly opposes H. 4112 as currently drafted because we still believe the words “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” H. 4112 needs to either be amended to provide the same carry privileges for all CWP holders, or H. 4112 needs to die.

Copyright © 2009 GrassRoots GunRights of SC
Permission to reprint this article in its entirety is granted, provided credit is given to GrassRoots of South Carolina, Inc.. Please send us a copy.
Last Updated June 23rd, 2009
For more information contact: Executive Officer